Monday, February 23, 2009
Terrible News
Hey guys, its Brucies Manager. I have some terrible news. So Brucie enjoyed his car ride with Natalia so much, that he and her went back out for another, same setting, with the same song playing Stuck With Eachother by Shontelle and Akon. And some other jealous blogger whose name we dont have permission to include, cut the brakes on Brucies car, and they were going way to fast, and the car flipped off the road into a herd of cows, who got startled and stampeded the car. Sadly, Natalia was killed :(. An angry cow crushed her skull. Luckily, Brucie is alive right now, but he is under extreme care at the hospital, barely making it. Luckily, he is being kept in the same room as Rihanna, who if you havnt heard, has gone through an extremely tragic incident too, including artist Chris Brown beating her. And we all feel terrible for her, and hope she has a full, speedy recovery. So when Brucie gets back, he will have tons to talk about! Feel free to send any fan mail/poems/drawings/cards you wanna make for him to and i will bring it to him right away. Thanks.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Selena Gomez Dancing
Hey guys, its brucie. So yesterday, me and my valentine Natalia watched the movie Another Cinderella Story, Starring Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley. And music by Tiffany Giardina. Neither of us are SelenaHaters, but we both thought it was really funny how Selena must be a TERRIBLE dancer. Its obvious that they had to use a double for all the dancing scenes, even though they dance moves wernt that hard. And we know about the double, because every dance scene, it only shows the back of "selena's" head, but then it will show her head when they slow down, and look at eachother, then when they dance again, to her back. Just thought i'd point this out! Talk to you guys later!
New Song of the Week- Stuck With Eachother
Hey guys, its Brucie. Sunday night has come again, and its time for a new Song of the Week. I was driving down this beautiful California country-side road in my convertible, top down, the lighting was perfect, and to make it even better, i was with my special Valentine, Natalia, and this song came on, and it seemed like a movie scene, it was just wonderful. Hope you guys like it as much as we did!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Climb Music Video
Hey guys, its Brucie. Sorry i haven't posted for a while, been really busy. Just thought i needed to let you know,the music video for Th ive e Climb is out. Post what you guys think about it. Honestly, i think it could have been better if they didnt incorporate so many different parts into it, like the room with the movie projector, the guitar, the walking through mountains, the movie clips, etc. But overall it was decent, she looked more adult than normal, and i think it will be successful.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
New Song of The Week
Hey guys, it Brucie. Just wanted to let you know theres a new song of the week out. Its Monster by Meg and Dia, its an older song, but I think if more people heard it, it would be really popular. Comment on this telling me what you think about it!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
YouTube Channel
Hey guys, its Brucie. Just wanted to remind you, that you should go to My Youtube Channel and subscribe, that way you will get notified right away when there's a new Song of the Week.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
New Miley Song!
Hey guys, Its brucie. Important news right here. Miley's come out with a new song titled The Climb. She performed it at Disney's Kids Inaugeral Concert. This track will be featured on the soundtrack to Hannah Montana: The Movie. It was alot better then I expected. Her voice sounds much better in this song then all of her other songs. Cant wait to see what she comes out with next!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Etta James and Beyonce Fight
On January 20th, at the Inaugeration of Barack Obama,, Beyonce sang Etta James' song "At Last". Well apparently, James is really pissed about this, and over a week later, while on stage, Etta told the crowd "Your President, the one with the big ears... he had that woman singing my song. She gone get her ass whipped." Then, "The Great Beyonce... I cant stand Beyonce. All the calls Etta James's people have been making to Beyonce's have yet to be returned.
More of this story soon too come.
More of this story soon too come.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Cheetah Girls; Over?
Hey guys, its Brucie. We just got breaking news from an inside report. From our very reliable interviewer and journalist, we have just discovered that the Cheetah Girls are over. The once-amazing Disney girl-pop band is breaking up. From the terrible first movie, they made a comeback with the second, where once i heard Strut, i decided it was my favorite movie, atleast for a little while, but then when i heard about the third, the one where they go do something in India, i decided not to watch it at all. Two of the three used to be 3LW members, but once that compleltly went downhill, they decided they had to get help with Raven Symone. Bad idea. After the first movie, they cut raven and her lack of talent from the band, but of course she knew it would happen, she can see the future of course. So this was just a quick little note, but once we know more, we will be sure to let you know!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Song of the Week
hey guys, its Brucie. Just wanted to let you know, its Sunday, and as promised, the Song of the Week has changed. It is now I Will Be by Leona Lewis. This song was dedicated by a ladyfriend named Jaana, who i know extremely well. She's a huge leona fan, and I thought that she would really enjoy this. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as she did!
Hey guys, its Brucie, and i just fooled you! We arnt closed! It was just an April Fools joke. And hahah we tricked you again, its not even April! hahahah u guys are so silly sometimes.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
ThreeBloggers is Over.
Hey guys, its Brucie, with some sad news :(. Today i decided to quit the ThreeBloggers. I know i just started getting into it yesterday, but its getting to be a bit much for me. I prefer going solo i guess. I had a few problems with other members of the group, so its just me. they are still together though. So, anything involving me, should be sent to, not any other of the bloggers. thanks! More gossip to come tomorrow!
New Contest!
Hey guys, its Brucie! Just wanted to stop in and say theres a new contest available for you guys to enter! It was inspired by Janice C.(aka Jellie). For people who love music, and the Song of the Week, you can make a fan video/audio clip that somehow incorporates the Song of the Week. So if you dont feel comfortable showing youself on camera, make an audio clip of you singing it. Or make a video of yourself dancing or singing or lipsyncing. Whatever pleases you. Then send the file to The winner will have their name and either video or audioclip posted on the site, and will win a free Brucie autograph!!! *Contest will be available every week. It will end every Sunday, when the new song comes out*
Eldrich Stewspoon Scandal!

Hey guys, its Brucie. Earlier today someone hacked onto Eldrich Stewspoons blog, claiming to be his manager, saying he was dead. This is not true, and was put up by a hacker. Me and Demi have paid top dollar for computer nerds to help get her blog back, and is currently being fixed. Dont worry, Eldrich is super careful, and will never die. atleast for now :).
New Job:)
Hey guys, Brucie D. here. Just wanted to let you guys know, i am officially the overall manager of the ThreeBloggers. That would be me, Demi Connecticut, and Eldrich Stewspoon. So i will be taking care of financial actions, and other things like that. If you wanna book any gigs, let me know at, and i will make sure to tell our performance manager, Demi C about it!
The Life of a Blogger
1. Sits alone in the dark all day
2. Eats airheads, tootsiepops and extra salted Pita Chips
3.Drinks Pepsi Plus, the added caffine helps us stay ontop of the gossip world
4. On occasion, goes to celeb parties and interviews random people that might have a chance at becoming famous
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Public Apology
Hey guys. this is a post that goes specifically to fellow blogger Demi Conecticut, but goes for any HM/Miley fan. Earlier i made a few statements towards Miley Cyrus that i am not proud of, and i would like to apolagize. Miley is probably a really sweet girl, once you get to know her, i bet she is.
Song of the Week
We will officially be having a Song of The Week. It will be located on the right side navigation bar. It will change every sunday.
Hannah Montana Ending?
Is the multi-million Disney phenomena tv show Hannah Montana coming to an end? It is not yet confirmed, but it is believed that the 2009 Hannah Montana Movie will be the end of this double-life pop star's tv show. It is possible the trailer was just put together to give us all a scare, but its pretty convincing, and she obviously is torn choosing wether she wants to keep living 2 lives, or if she wants to go back to when she could just be herself, Miley Stewart. If this is truly the end of this hit tv series, no new episodes will be made. It is all a possibility that Hannah Montana concerts will no longer be available. But, just because HM is leaving the scene, doesn't mean Miley is going anywhere. Right now she is worth about 65 million dollars, so why would she stop now?
Brand-New Artist!

Hey guys. So theres this great new star who just came out with her first real album. Her name is Tiffany Giardina. Shes sung for different disney movies including Another Cinderella Story and the Tinkerbell movie. You should check her out on itunes or at Her album is called No Average Angel.
Hey guys...
Hey guys it Brucie Donaldina. Just wanted to say, thanks for checking out my blog. Soon there will be tons of JuicieBrucie Gossip!
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